
频道:财经资讯 日期: 浏览:0



背面主景“长城”图案代表中华民族组成了钢铁长城,共同抗敌。“和平鸽”由远及近展翅飞翔图案,表现对历史的纪念、对和平的向往,也象征五大洲人民团结一心,在血与火的洗礼后重生,携手前行,共创美好未来。70 years ago, in the face of the crisis of national survival, the Communist Party of China resolutely shouldered the historical task of national salvation. All Chinese people at home and abroad were united in their hearts and minds, and a group of Anti Japanese warriors and patriotic generals fought without hesitation and blood, winning the first complete victory of China's anti invasion against foreign enemies since modern times, and making a major contribution to the victory of the world anti fascist war Present. In October 2014, representatives of the minting bureaus of China, France, Britain, Australia and Canada jointly decided in Beijing to jointly issue commemorative coins on the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II with the theme of "peace" in 2015. Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Italy and Finland subsequently joined in the issue of commemorative coins.

This commemorative coin was issued by the people's Bank of China on August 20, 2015. It is the legal currency of the people's Republic of China. It is made of nickel clad steel, with a face value of 1 yuan and a diameter of 25 mm. It has the same function as circulating RMB and is equivalent to circulating RMB of the same face value. The front design is the national emblem of the people's Republic of China, with the national name of "the people's Republic of China" on the top of the inner edge and the year number of "2015" on the bottom. On the back is a symbol composed of the number "70" and the time "1945-2015". On the top are five peace pigeons flying from far and near. The background is the "V" character with the Great Wall pattern showing victory. "The 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war" is printed on the top of the inner margin, and "1 yuan" is printed on the bottom right.

On the back, the main picture of the Great Wall represents the great wall of steel formed by the Chinese nation to fight against the enemy. The dove of peace flies from far and near, showing the memory of history and the yearning for peace. It also symbolizes the unity of the people of five continents, rebirth after the baptism of blood and fire, and moving forward hand in hand to create a better future.




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